Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Up to the Alpine Center - RMNP

We drove up and up towards the Alpine Center in RMNP. We stopped at the Continental Divide at Milner Pass. Gotta love James in the photo!
We reached the top of the mountain, and the Alpine Center! Click on this photo to enlarge it. This photo is for my mom. It has the Old Fall River Road toward the left side. You can see a few cars driving on it. OFRR is a one way dirt road to the top. It gave her many pleasant dreams after driving on it! :)

The sun is SO bright up at the top.

Russ, Andrew and I were the only ones that wanted to hike to the top.

Andrew at the summit! We made it! The wind was VERY strong. I now appreciate the bumper sticker I saw that said, "Oxygen - it's over-rated".

Below is one of my favorite photos taken on the way down the climb. We saw lots of these yellow tundra flowers ~ very pretty.
Matt, Rachel and James stayed in the car on while we climbed up. That's the Alpine Visitor Center below. The road is the way to Estes Park. We turned right to go back to Grand Lake.
Another scenic spot on the way down. Do I mention that our brakes were smoking on the way down? :)

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