just finished this fall punch needle this afternoon. I painted the hornbook black, then sanded the edges. Then I used some stain and went over the entire hornbook. I'm really happy with the way it turned out! 
had to crop this photo. I was doing the listing for Ebay, then realized that there were green army men hiding on the shelf. I guess I'm use to seeing these guys EVERYWHERE in my house, so I just don't see them anymore. :) I just listed this punch needle on Ebay for a low starting price, and will see where the price goes.
Yesterday, I went to the Johnny Appleseed Fest in Crystal Lake. They had a small craft fair, farmer's market, kiddie rides, food, etc. I only bought some food for Rachel and James, who wanted to come with me. But, it's always fun to browse! There's a few more craft fairs in October. I"ve never been to the big one, Fall Didley, but have heard good things about it. I haven't entered any craft fairs this year, so everything I'll do is on Ebay or word of mouth. But I enjoy browsing and getting ideas.
I want to try something different for finished the Halloween punch needle. I had a scrap of wood, and a jigsaw that was only used once. So..... I got brave and made pattern to cut. Matt tried first, but accidently cut off the handle. I tried, and I actually did it! I usually don't use power tools, but this might change ( I still will never use Super Glue). I think I'll show Matt how to cut the hornbook, so that he will be able to help me in the future. (ok, he might want a portion of the profits of items I sell on Ebay!)
I first slopped on the orange paint - and not too neatly. I then put a coat of beige paint, but leaving the orange showing. It looks sloppy, but no one is going to see it. It helps give it that prim look once the edges are sanded off. These base colors are what is going to peek through the top coat of paint.
I painted the top coat in black to go with the black border of the punch needle (no photos of that until tomorrow). I sanded off the edges, and rubbed in some brown stain to darken the edges, and base coat paint. I really like how this one is turning out! Just a hint of orange and beige show on the corners. Now for it to dry overnight so that I can attach the punch needle to it. I'm hoping to list this on Ebay tomorrow evening ~ if I can get it done!
I finally started another punch project for fall. I'm doing the background in a mix of beige and grey for a darker look. I love to experiment with different shades/colors on the backgrounds. On some, I've combined 3 different shades in different amounts, and others I've used 2 shades of a similar color. Since it's Friday, (no homework to help with) I'll see how far I can get on it tonight while listening to the Cubs game. Seems like I run out of time during the week for crafting. Between driving kids to school, work, grocery shopping, cooking, making lunches, doctor appointments (only 12 this month), and homework, it leaves no extra time.
I did get the second grapevine garland up on the deck yesterday. It's hard to get a good photo, but I do like the effect of having something to add some interest to the deck. At least the grapevine will withstand the elements outside.
I have no big plans this weekend - yipee! Just time to relax, and maybe... clean the house. Then again, maybe I'll skip cleaning the house!
I've been busy finishing more candle mats. I still have to iron these out, but they are all set and aged. I don't know how many will go to a store that has been buying from me. Anything that doesn't go to the store, will be listed on Ebay. I did start another punch needle fall project this week - I just need more time during the day to work on it!
I bought some grapevine garland and put it on our deck. I only purchased one garland, just to test it out. I soaked it overnight in water to soften it up a bit, then wrapped it with some wire and hung it up. I now need to do the other side of the deck, and arrange how it hangs from the wreath. Since it's outside, I can't put anything like pip berries that would be affected by the weather. Snow even comes in the screens in the winter! (I don't want to think about snow quite yet) I might slowly add some greenery (if it's not too fake looking), or even some lights.
James loves to read Star Wars books, especially in our bedroom. I look at the white walls in the photo, and think I would love to add some color to the walls. There is a stenciled border, but the white is looking rather plain. One of these years I might get around to painting again, but the living room needs it before my bedroom. But the LR leads to the DR, kitchen, hallway, foyer, and lower level hall. Just too overwhelming to think about that project! I think I'll head off to work for now! :)
I've been behind, even though the kids are back to school. I did manage to get this punch needle done this week. I attached it to a vintage grater for fall decorating. It will be on Ebay later tonight.
I have some photos of the family birthday party last weekend for Andrew, Matt and Rachel. Above is Andrew (trying to be cool).
Matt is happy with a Nintendo DS game that he got from Grandma and Grandpa.
Rachel loved a CD from Aunt Cheryl. Below is Aunt Cheryl and Kate.
We've decided to get rid of the slide in our backyard, since no one uses it. It was just collecting spider webs and earwigs, so it was time to say goodbye. Matt and Rachel took it apart and washed the spiders off of it.
All the pieces were washed and a lot cleaner. We found a new home for it, all the way next door. (the corner in the shade) Their 2 girls used it more than my kids, so we just gave it to them. (gee, we had the slide since Andrew, Matt and Rachel were just under 3, when I found it at a garage sale) Now to buy some sod to fill in the dirt hole from under the slide.
Putting the sod down is the easy part. Keeping the grass alive is another story. Something has been digging in the backyard ~ maybe a skunk or possum~ and looking for grubs. So, we have tons of holes that have killed the lawn. I just put down another round of bug/grub killer, and even watered it in this afternoon (and I NEVER water the lawn). Hopefully that will do the trick, so that I can re-seed that section.
I don't watch football, so it will be an evening of working on more candle mats. Then to start another punch project that I have transfered to fabric. :)
Happy 14th Birthday to Andrew, Matt and Rachel!!!