I LOVE the background! It's the Rebecca Erb reversible charcoal stripe wool. I cut it against the stripe, and am randomly pulling which side to hook with. It give a very subtle shading.
The other project this week has been our screened deck. A couple years ago, we had a tear in one of the screens, and never properly fixed it. (hey, I was able to get some fantastic photos of our foxes from the tear in the screen!) Squirrels decided that the deck would be a nice place to build a nest and hang out. I really don't like squirrels staring at me when I open the deck doors, so the animal was relocated. I had to tear out the old screen holders (they don't make those holders anymore, and the old ones were brittle), staple new screening, and work in putting some new 1/4 round as trim. I only did one window with trim so far. I want to make sure that no other critter is going to chew through the new screen.
Matt just got home from the band trip to Disney World tonight. He had a great time!
I've sent off a few job applications, but am being really picky about what I send out. I don't need to waste my time with interviews for jobs that I really don't want, or that's too far away. Tomorrow James is volunteering at the library for Scouts. I'll bring along my hooking to keep busy while he works for a hour.
~*~ Laura ~*~